This site is dedicated to my ever loving bratty children, my tolerant husband and well to my friends who support me in so many ways even when we don't speak for years. Cheers - to the beautiful and not so beautiful passings in our lives. In other words - those moments when life is painful and all you can do is laugh until you cry (or pee)!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mallory's trial

AHHHH....... Another blissful day bonding with my teenager.

She plead guilty to a lessor charge of "Illegal Dumping", agreed to 3 months of probation (Juvenile Diversion) and fines that they still cannot give us an amount.

She has an appointment with the probation department on August 10th and if we agree to the penalities they want to impose she will go back to court on August 20th to either start the process over or have the judge sign off on the agreement that probation sets such as: community service, an essay explaining why she won't do it again and OF COURSE fines.

So no, the saga is not yet over.

However, we were rather entertained by a man throwing a chair because the judge would not throw out his domestic violence charges. We also ran into a family member, it was good bonding time.

I am hoping that soon Mallory will earn her angel wings and turn out to be a good girl - however, she informed me that her previous angel wings got caught in her horns and came off.

In other news, Ambers eyebrows are coming along nicely, the green sharpie she used to draw them back on is slowly wearing off as well.

Love and kisses from the craziest household in Littleton!!


ellen said...

Nothing is ever calm or normal in your house! Maybe that's why I like you so much.

I still can't believe how hard they are being on Mal when she only threw a bottle. Hopefully they take it easy on the fines.

One kid has green eyebrows and the other daughter has devil horns.... nice. I like it. :)

Scylla said...

I am glad to hear there is no weapons charge in there, she sooo does not need that.
Was the clinic attorney helpful?