This site is dedicated to my ever loving bratty children, my tolerant husband and well to my friends who support me in so many ways even when we don't speak for years. Cheers - to the beautiful and not so beautiful passings in our lives. In other words - those moments when life is painful and all you can do is laugh until you cry (or pee)!

Friday, April 20, 2007

A day to mourn and remember

So many people have contacted me today to tell me that we are in their thoughts... Thank you to all, however, I am pushing all good thoughts and hopes to the families in Virginia that have just begun a tragic journey of grief.

As time goes on our life finds an equillibrium between grief and hope that turns to survival and happiness. We must endur the grief to be rewarded with the happiness. I am happy to report that I have made it through the grief and found happiness. However, on this day each year a great sadness becomes overwhelming.

I watch the clock and remember EXACTLY what I was doing 8 years ago at this very moment. The fact that 8 years ago right now - my life was "normal" and the words Columbine were only the name of the school where my dad worked. I also think about what he was doing, feeling prior to the tragic events...

As much as we are in your thoughts today, you are also in ours...

To Dad: Your last words were "tell my girls I love them", to you we say every day "we love you too".....


Scylla said...

I love you honey, please give our love to your wonderful family.

ellen said...

I had to explain it all to Simon the other day because he had so many questions. Man it was tough. I am always in awe of you and how tough you are. You made it through on of the hardest things in life, a tragic lose. It never truly goes away.

You know we all love you from way out here in Jersey. (I'll never get over me saying I'm in Jersey....)