This site is dedicated to my ever loving bratty children, my tolerant husband and well to my friends who support me in so many ways even when we don't speak for years. Cheers - to the beautiful and not so beautiful passings in our lives. In other words - those moments when life is painful and all you can do is laugh until you cry (or pee)!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Feeling Sad today - thought I would share the pain

I found some beautiful videos about remembering everyone who died at Columbine... Today it is cloudy and life is tough, so I am taking some time out to feel some pain and grief..... occassionally it is helpful.

I love all of you...


Scylla said...

I love you! Soooooo much.

ellen said...

Those were very moving tributes. It's ok to have sad days.

Love ya! ))))HUG(((((