This site is dedicated to my ever loving bratty children, my tolerant husband and well to my friends who support me in so many ways even when we don't speak for years. Cheers - to the beautiful and not so beautiful passings in our lives. In other words - those moments when life is painful and all you can do is laugh until you cry (or pee)!

Friday, March 23, 2007

TO All of my friends

Not in order of importance of course:

Ellen - you are an amazing person with so much love and strength. You really are a woman to be admired with all you are going through - you are resilient - I love that about you!

Misty - you are the woman of all women, working so hard in law school and making it look easy - that is what olympians do - make the impossible look easy. You are a courageous woman with so much talent. I love you girl!!

Carrie - You are so much a part of my thoughts. You are intelligent, beautiful and a fabulous friend - I love your sense of humor and your ability to be strong. You are incredible!

Marilyn - You are such a great lady! I enjoy your antics about work and marriage (or lack of it). I appreciate you "taking care of me" when there were times no one else could.

Juliet - I really enjoyed working with you, you are so funny - I was happy that you found your true love. I enjoy our fun times at dinner and just being girls.

Leah - Although I don't know you well, I do know that you are strong, funny and have a fabulous sense of humor - Love that!!

Marlaine - Holy moly - you are one great lady, you have so much compassion (even though you are from New York) and you really connect with kids. I know you are making a huge difference in the lives of many - including mine. Your man is one lucky guy...... Good luck with the wedding plans.

Ami - I love the way you cut my hair, hold it out of the toilet when I drink too much (the good old days) and give me a good friend to sling my "crap" at when I am mad. I also enjoy your attempts to teach me to cook and keep me from accidentally killing my family.

Melody - You are a great person to have in my family. You are supportive and kind, but learning to stand up for yourself and what you want. That is huge! You are resilient and wonderful. Love you lots.

Julia & Dano - Oh my the memories, my teenage years were definately interesting but I cannot imagine how different (awful) they would have been without you. Wow - things can change. I think you could qualify for mother of the year, I am really impressed with Sara she is lucky to have parents like you an Dano. Keep up the good work... See you on easter.

Rich & Beth - You have a beautiful family and a great home. I really enjoy laughing with you on the holidays. See you at Easter. Beth - I think it is awesome how much you like motorcycles - I wish I was courageous enough to ride one - but lets face it, I can't even ride a bicycle.

Adrienne - You are hilarious. You are so down to earth, honest and a darn good friend. We don't see each other enough but that's ok - friends are forever no matter how often you see them. You should get Artist of the year.

Daddeo - I really love our talks and listening to your political views. I enjoy our building a bridge over the muddy water of the past. Can't wait to see you again.

Momma Jen - You are such a beautiful lady. Thanks for you laughs and good times. Sorry I always cook salmon.. It is the only recipe I know that doesn't send people to the hospital.

Shelly - I am so happy to have you as my sister (in law) you make me laugh and I enjoy hanging out with you and Chris and the girls. I also love the fact that only you can cure my migraines. Maybe I should call you Dr. Dominy.

Momma Sandy - I can't tell you how much I enjoyed being boiled, baked and beaten with you at the salon. You always give the greatest gifts. I enjoy laughing and playing Wii with you and Mark. I also appreciate all the food you cook; especially since you don't expect me to cook well for you. Thank you for your son!

Cindy - Oh my..... you make me laugh. You are a funny sister, a courageous sister and a good sister. I look forward to many more years of giggles and antique shopping. Love you sis!

Angie - How could I ever repay you for being you! The years of you teaching me to smoke (BURP) and the fun talks. Thanks for sharing your dad with me. We will always be sista's.

Ron - Wow babe - you are the most incredible man. I love the way you love the girls like your own. Love me unconditionally (Since I am far from the "perfect" wife). You accept my quarks and my sleeping habits. You are my rock babe. I love you so much - for ever and ever!!

Dana - I really enjoy having such a cool neighbor - you guys are a great model for good parents, good neighbors and well - DAMN good people. I am looking forward to a summer of fun hanging out with the kids in the cul de sac. Thank for always being willing to loan us weird food items.... It amazes me how you bought the house next door and we have a connection from the past. You are great peoples!!

I really love you all - thanks for being part of my life!!!!!!!!!


Scylla said...

You are sweet. Not only are you sweet, you are an inspiration in my life. I can't even begin to tell you how much I value knowing you, and how much your friendship means to me.

Missing you much. Come spend a weekend at the beach in sunny New Jersey!!

ellen said...

Thank you my dear. You have always inspired me with your ability to live through and anything and then laugh about it. I am sure if you were asked you could actually conquer the world.