This site is dedicated to my ever loving bratty children, my tolerant husband and well to my friends who support me in so many ways even when we don't speak for years. Cheers - to the beautiful and not so beautiful passings in our lives. In other words - those moments when life is painful and all you can do is laugh until you cry (or pee)!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Transmission has landed

I am SO proud of Ron - He went out to the garage and took the transmission out of the truck. He is excited and so am I. So - those of you with money placed on how long it will be before it runs better start counting your pennies!! :)


Scylla said...

Yay Ron! Can you do me a favor? Email me something pithy and sarcastic from time to time, I miss you sense of humor!

Scylla said...

Sigh... your sense of humor. (Darn sleep deprivation.)